Our new workshop: 3D Printing Advanced!
Have you already had your first experience with the 3D printer, attended our Easy Start workshop or have any other prior knowledge?
It's finally here! The 3D Printing Workshop Advanced!
Have you already made your first experiences with the 3D printer, attended our Easy Start workshop or otherwise acquired prior knowledge in the area of design software (e.g. Tinkercad) and the slicer software "Cura"?
Then this workshop might be for you! In this workshop you will get an introduction to the program Autodesk FUSION 360, which allows you to design your models more accurately and optimized for 3D printing. You will learn how to recognize errors in 3D printing and how to solve them with specific settings of the slicer software "Cura".
You can find more information in the workshop offers in the currently offered dates.