Project partners
Engeneering didactics
The chair of engineering didactics is responsible for the education of student teachers in technical subjects. The future-oriented design of education is a central requirement, which is implemented through the focus on digitalization, industry 4.0 or the networking of technologies. Innovative teaching and learning concepts are used to promote creativity and motivation to work practically with technology. In the Hybrid Learning Center project, engeneering didactics provides support with its expertise in teaching technical and digital skills. Among other things, concepts and projects of their department such as Makerspace Engineering Education (M.EE) are carried over.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Haertel
Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, room 306
44227 Dortmund
0231 / 755 - 4124

University library
The university library provides resources for the generation of knowledge and information as printed media and online resources for research, teaching and study at the Technical University of Dortmund. The university library can also be used by the public of the region for scientific work. The library is a place of learning and meeting other students. Besides workplaces it offers special services and consultations. The Co-Learning-Space forms the center of the Hybrid Learning Center project. In the container building on the Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 18, a laboratory is set up with different components of the learning worlds. Based on their knowledge about student needs, the university library already offers trainings and consultings.
Dr. Ute Engelkenmeier
Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund
Sebrathweg 7
44149 Dortmund
0231 / 755 - 4003

Profession of computer graphics
The profession of computer graphics deals with the virtual, computer-aided modeling of physically real objects focused on geometric and visual aspects. The spectrum of methods includes computer graphics, geometry processing, computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition and visualization. The objects of investigation include physics-based dynamic simulation and human-machine interaction in the context of virtual/augmented reality. In the Hybrid Learning Center project, the profession of computer graphics is developing and constructing an innovative 3D person scanner. Students can create their own realistic avatar with the 3D person scanner. They will be able to move virtually with their avatar and meet others. In addition, computer graphics enriches the project with the presentation tool Decker. They developed Decker which enables presentations to be designed and presented in an accessible and user-friendly way.
Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch
Otto-Hahn-Str. 16, room 124
44227 Dortmund

Department of physical and motor development in rehabilitation and pedagogy
The department of physical and motor development in rehabilitation and pedagogy is part of the faculty of rehabilitation sciences. Their researches and education deal with the diversity of people. The department elaborates and illuminates individuality which is considered in relation to the competences and resources of each person, and their possibilities for participation in the social spheres of life. In the Hybrid Learning Center project, the department supports the design of learning environments with accessibility in mind. Their expertise in barrier-free collaborative work, in developing inclusion-oriented makerspaces (Selfmade project) and the use of VR (Virtual Reality Moves teaching and research project) helps to achieve it.
Angelika Prass und Hanna Linke
Emil-Figge-Str. 50, room 4.438
44227 Dortmund
0231 / 755 - 4576