Upcycling & „Extension of Lifetime“
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10 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Still usable! - Upcycling & Extension of Lifetime
If your favorite jeans are worn through, a buckle is missing from your backpack or a plastic latch is broken off your cake box - is it all just trash then? Instead of letting your "old treasures" go to waste, you can give them a longer or even a second, new life at HyLeC with a little imagination and motivation. We will support and advise you on your ideas and projects (just bring them along!) and have also prepared one or two creative upcycling projects for you to try out. Come by and see what upcycling ideas there are, for example, for jam jars and waste paper.
(Please understand that we do not repair electrical and electronic devices with you).
Without prior registration, anytime between 10 am and 2 pm.
Location: Hybrid Learning Center (HyLeC), Central Library, Vogelpothsweg 76, first floor room E 1.