Call for applications: Show your art
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Call for applications: Show your art

Starting next semester, the HyLeC will offer its walls for regular exhibitions by TU Dortmund University students, for which you can apply until 02.02.2024.
The concept includes the organization of an exhibition with your works in the HyLeC, including a vernissage with an invited press department. The overall theme of the works should pick up on the main focus of the HyLeC, i.e. technology and digitization. Whether you implement the theme photographically, painterly, graphically or in a completely different way is up to you. The exhibition will be on display for one semester.
In the HyLeC Moodleraum you can get an idea of what the rooms look like in advance - or drop by directly at Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 18 (behind the SRG).
You can apply until 02.02.2024.
The official opening will take place at the start of lectures (SoSe 24).
To apply, please send us an e-mail with the following information
First name, last name
Title of the work
Image of the work (.jpg not larger than 7 MB)
Short description of the work
Material from which the work is made
(Optional) Short description about you
and send it to: judyta.franuszkiewicztu-dortmundde, monika.radtketu-dortmundde and natalia.simontu-dortmundde
We look forward to your ideas!