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Theme day "From the switch to the robot"

Humanoider Roboter im Mittelpunkt, drumherum angeordnet zwei kleine rundliche Roboter und Elektronikschalter © Benjamin Lehmert​/​TU Dortmund

Once again, a theme day will take place at HyLeC. On 18.04.2023 you can gain insights and try out simple circuits, microcontrollers and robots yourself and find out in a joint project work: How does a switch become a robot?


18.04.2023 Theme day "From switch to robot".

In the morning from 9 am to 12 pm you can get first impressions of some of our materials in HyLeC on the topic of robotics and microcontrollers. Our humanoid robot Nao, small programmable mini-robots (Sphero Bolt and Blue-Bot), automated brushes and more invite you to get to know them, try them out and exchange ideas together.

In the afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. we will work in a small project group on the way from a simple electronic switch to a simple robot controlled by microcontrollers. In small projects the development will be illustrated step by step and a simple way of programming will be implemented together. Previous knowledge is not necessary!

The theme day takes place during the opening hours of the HyLeC. No registration necessary! If you would like to participate in the joint project work, please be at the HyLeC punctually at 1 p.m.!