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Lasercutter – Easy Start

Start: End: Location: HyLeC
Event type:
  • Workshop
Learn how to handle the laser cutter safely and independently and create your own giveaway, lasered or engraved from wood.

In the workshop you will learn the safe and independent use of the laser cutter “Mr. Beam”. It is a class 1 laser with a working surface of 500mm x 390mm x 38mm and a 5W shortwave laser (450nm). This makes it possible to laser or engrave different materials (e. g. : wood, plastic, glass, leather. . . )

During the workshop you will independently develop a logo or your own text and transfer it to one of the laser cutters in HyLeC. So you get your own giveaway, lasered or engraved from wood and are ready to work independently with Mr. Beam in the future.

The general safety training for the HyLeC room as well as a device-specific training with a final test is a mandatory requirement for participation.

It is a hybrid offer; the workshop can be attended on site at HyLeC as well as online. Modern technical equipment and the digital preparation of the content ensure that all participants – whether online or in person – are brought into a common exchange and complete the workshop as a common group.

Registration deadline 24.01.2024, 12:00 noon

Time: 4 hours

8 participants on site and 6 participants online per workshop!
The workshop will only take place if a minimum number of 5 participants is reached.

Questions and instructors: Fabian Schulte, Erim Besok


Here you can take a look at the workshop slides beforehand!